Extrusion 101: The Warm Extrusion Manufacturing Process
The warm extrusion process is sometimes mistaken with hot forging, but these two are different forming methods. The main thing differentiating them is the heating stage. For the warm forging process, the billet or work piece is heated just slightly above the room temperature.
The process of warm extruding is pretty simple, especially if you have been hot forging. It is much easier since you don’t need to heat the work piece to crystallization. But how do you go about it? We have rounded up the steps below.
For more about forging and the products that you can make, click here. The company produces a range of forged products
Here are the main steps for the warm extrusion process:
Material Selection
The first step should always be selecting material to warm-extrude. This is majorly determined by the properties of the products that you want to forge. Make sure that the quality of the material is the best. Otherwise, you might get it wrong from the start.
Die Making
The next step should be designing the dies. This is an important factor to consider because the dies give the product the size and shape. The designing and making of the dies is usually an intricate process that takes into consideration even the smallest details about the products. There are usually two dies you can select from.
Heating the Metal
With metal to forge and the dies ready, you can now go to the heating of the material in readiness for forging. You need to consider the right temperature for warm forging. Considering that you just need to heat the material slightly above the room temperature, this step should not take wrong.
Once the workpiece has been heated above room temperature, you can now start the forging process. There are several things you need to consider here, and the major one is the compression force. You must get this right if you are to achieve the desired quality.
Heat Treatment
After the material has been deformed under very high pressure, you need to restore the hardness and strength by streamlining the grains again. That’s why heat treatment is an essential stage. Follow the recommended heat treatment process t.
Finishing Work
The last stage is the finishing work for the forged parts. The intensity of the finishing work is determined by many other factors, including how near to the desired shape the forged part is.